APUSH Teacher Resources
Hi these are a few resources that APUSH Teachers might be interested in using.
Email Mr. Mac if you need the test banks for Brinkley.
Let me know if you use any of this. (or to share something you'd like to add.)
Brinkley Book On-Line
Internet Archive (Online Videos matched to the AP Outline)
APUSH Outline
AP Online Discussion Group: (email resources and network with national APUSH Teachers)
AP Audit and Sample Syllabi
National Archives: Eyewitness Accounts:
More Eyewitness to History:
History Teacher PPTs:
Presidential Audio/Video Archive
More Presidential Recordings:
Supreme Court Cases History Now:
Gilder-Lehremen Podcasts
PBS American Experience Podcasts:
AMSCO Publishing, United States History- Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination (Good Student Study Guide) Search for the title on-line
WE Didn't Start the Fire Billy Joel: (Cool 1950s and other crazy stuff review)
See documents below:
Brinkely Chapter Resources