Hello Graduate Students of PLNU.
This page is dedicated to EDU 625 Social Sciences in Secondary Schools Mentoring
Social Studies Methods
WE work with these topics

Curriculum Design, Classroom Management, ELD Strategies, Cooperative Learning, Literacy Development, Use of Technology, Primary Sources, Use of Visuals, Document Analysis, Application, Creative Extensions, Simulations, Worksheets, Reading, Writing, Skill Building, Assessments, Supporting Students with Special Needs...


See documents below and please send an email with any questions or concerns [email protected]
PLNU Website for documents including lesson plan template: California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Tom Coon SCPA [email protected], Clark Middle School San Diego Unified
California History Social Science Standards
  1. General Technology and Content Technology 
  2. English Language Development
  3. Action Research
  4. Common Core Professional Development
  5. Special Education Lesson Project
  6. Professional Organization
  7. Observation Journal and Reflection (takeaway paper)
March 23 - May 8
March 23 Opening class meeting
Assignment Explanation
Due Last Class April 27 (Flexible)

After you have spent hours with the mentor and study and research, and discussion and thought…

What did are your takeaways?

Written reflection of you new understandings.

Creating Projects:
 “Lets brainstorm a project for a standard.”
UDL: this is a good web-site for Unit/Lesson Planning ideas
See document below Unit Instructional Plan 
Theme Category: 1. Engagement 2. Representation 3. Action and Expression
Choose one category
Review the Web-Site for your category- 
Read and identify best portions or ideas we should understand and synthesize your takeaways-
What portion of your category is helpful and should be reinforced for new teachers?
Outline your presentation (what did you learn)
Summarize your takeaways in a brief written form
Be prepared to present your ideas in a visual format
April 2 Second Meeting
Technology due
Classroom Management Discipline 
Observations Commentary
Teaching Problems?
Technology Project/Content
Discuss Curriculum Writing and Lesson Plan
April 6 Third Class Meeting
Strategies for Retaining Info:
(Cognitive Psychology/Memory/Schema)
Observation Commentary
Teaching Problems
Problems related to Assessments 
April 13 Fourth Class Meeting
Topic: AVID Write Path Jigsaw
Observation Commentary
Teaching Problems
ELD Strategies
Student Engagement Due
April 20 
Topic: Skills Due
Observation Commentary
Teaching Problems
Common Core 
April 27 Fifth Class Meeting
Topic: Lesson Plan Due:
Action Research Due
Join Professional Organization Due
Observation Commentary
Teaching Problems
Discuss Common Core Assignments
Special Education Lesson Plans Due/Differentiated Instruction
Observation Reflection Due/Takeaways Reflective Writing
May 8 Grades will be submitted

Marzano’s 9 Instructional Strategies For Learning (easy to follow)

  1. Identifying similarities and differences
  2. Summarizing and note taking
  3. Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
  4. Homework and practice
  5. Non-linguistic representations
  6. Cooperative learning
  7. Setting objectives and providing feedback
  8. Generating and testing hypotheses
  9. Cues, questions, and advance organizers
Thank you.