Patrick McElhaney » McElhaney Video Lectures PSYCH AND APUSH (sorry formatting is very bad)

McElhaney Video Lectures PSYCH AND APUSH (sorry formatting is very bad)

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AP Psychology

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Huckleberry Finn online book: Link

Huckleberry Finn McElhaney assignments Link

Unit I History and Approaches 


Introduction to Psychology (Distance Learning) Video

P1.1 History and Approaches 

P1.2 History and Approaches Freud Part 1 

Freudian Defense Mechanism video Mac 

P1.2 History and Approaches Freud Part 2 

P1.3 History and Approaches Humanistic Psych 

P4 History and Approaches Behaviorism Classical Conditioning 

P1.5 History and Approaches Behavioral Operant Conditioning

P1.6 History and Approaches Cognitive and Development Psych 

PowerPoints and Docs 

Psych Intro Student Discussion 

AP Intro To Psychology. And History and Approaches. PowerPoint

Meyers Unit 1 and Unit 2 History and Approaches and Research Methods.doc 

Dear Future Reader: My Thoughts.doc  

Approaches and Research Methods Presentations 


Unit 1 Continued Research Methods


P1.1 Research Methods 

Phineas Gage Video short

P1.2 Research Methods Experiments and Variables

P1.3 Research Methods Statistics 

P1.4 Research Methods Ethics in Animals and Humans


PowerPoints and Docs 

AP Intro To Psychology. And History and Approaches. PowerPoint

Meyers Unit 1 and Unit 2 History and Approaches and Research Methods.doc 

Notes On Research Methods 

Bernstein Ch 1 History and Approaches 

Psych Chapter 1 Notes Mac


Brinkley Readings:

All of them are in this folder (Link)

Period 1 Pre-Columbian Societies and Early Colonial 1492-1607


P1.1 Pre Columbian Societies SPRITE Meso Natives Spanish.Dutch.French Colonies

P1.2 Spanish Conquest and Spanish Colonization video 

P1.3 Columbian Exchange 

P1.4 French Dutch Colonial Development

PowerPoints and Docs

P1 Discovery.conquest.native societies.spanishcolonies.french.dutch

 Brinkley Chapter 1 reading 

Spanish French Dutch SPRITE Worksheet

Discussion Discovery and Spanish Dutch French colonization

Mexico Reader: Aztec Society, Cortes and Monteczuma, Diseases in New World pdf

Period 2 English Colonies, Middle and Late Colonial Era


P2.1 English Colonies Essays Jamestown

P22 Jamestown Political Maryland and Royal Colony

P2.3 New England and Mass Bay

P2.4 ACAPS Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams 

P2.5 Pennsylvania and Georgia founding

Enrichment Videos

Video Jamestown The New World movie excerpts

 Video Black Robe 

The Crucible Movie

The Crucible Audio Book 

Crucible list of Characters

Salem Witch Trials 


PowerPoints and Docs

P2.1 English Colonies 1600.1700.ppt.

P2.2 Mid-Late Colonial Era 1650.1763

Brinkley Chapter 2 2020.doc

Brinkley Chapter 3 2020.doc 

SPRITE English Colonies.doc 



The Crucible by Arthur Miller Audiobook



Late Colonial Development and Revolution


P2.6 Middle Late Colonial Development King Phillips War

P2.7 Slavery in Colonies Triangular Trade Nav Acts 

P2.8 Colonial Economy Immigration Cities and Women  

P2.9 SPRITE for the Colonies Politics Salutary Neglect 

P2.10 Salem Witch Trials 1st Great Awakening Sinners in the Hands 

P2.11 Bacon’s Rebellion Essays  

P2.12 French and Indian War Fort Necessity

Enrichment Videos:

Video Nathaniel Philbrick The Mayflower Discussion 

Roots Slave Sale 

Last of the Mohicans P1

Last of the Mohicans P2

Last of the Mohicans P3


Colonial SPRITE Simulation writing: Imagine you are a resident of one of the following colonies.

Period 3: 1754-1800 Causes and Course of the American Revolution 

Philosophical Foundations of American Revolution/Winning the Revolution/The Articles of Confederation/Constitutional Convention/Ratification/The Constitution/Washington’s Administration/Adams Administration/Migration Patterns in New Nation

Videos Revolution and Articles of Confederation

P3.1 Intro Essay Rubric Zenger Case 

P3.2 Colonies Before 1763 Ben Franklin Pontiac and Proclamation of 1763 

P3.3 Post 1763 3 Admins Timeline Change in Gov

P3.4 Stamp Act Resistance Sons of Liberty 

P3.5 Boston Tea Party Coercive Acts Lexington War 

P3.6 2nd Continental Congress Olive Branch Petition Loyalists 3 phases of War 

P3.7 French Alliance Enlightenment Declaration of Independence

P3.8 LERPS Native Americans in the Rev and Rev Treaty of Paris 

P3.9 Women and Rev Republican Motherhood and Cult of Domesticity 

P3.10 Articles of Confed Northwest Ordinance Problems of the Confederation Shays Rebellion

Videos Constitution, “New Nation,” 

P3.11 Philadelphia Convention VA Plan NJ Great Compromise 

P3.12 US Constitution of US Principles of Constitution 

P3.13 Constitution Part 2 Power of Congress Law Making Process

P3.14 Constitution Part 3 Executive Branch Electoral College Impeachment 

P3.15 Ratification Fight Federalist Papers Anti. Federalists Ratification vote

Test Prep

Video Test Study Guide Early Colonial up to Constitution  

American Revolution Test Study Guide 


Enrichment Video

Yale Lecture: American Revolution by Joanne Freeeman  See Nubmers 24-25 (Constitution) 

Yale Lecture: "Was Madison really the father of the Constitution?"

PowerPoints and Docs

P3 Declaration of Independence.ppt

P3 Enlightenment PowerPoint

P3 Articles of Confederation and Constitutional Convention.ppt 

Articles of Confederation original doc

P3 Causes and Fighting American Revolution.ppt (there are 8 parts to this)

Declaration of Independence.doc 

Enlightenment Study Guide.doc 

LERPS Project or the Stepping Stones to the Government described in the Declaration of Independence 

LERPS Project Study Guide.doc  

Reading The Greatness of George Washington.pdf  

AVID Strategy Dialectical Journal pdf

Greatness of George Washington Instructions 

Discussion Greatness of George Washington

Washington and Adams Admin Videos

P3.16 Washington Admin Overview Essay Hamilton Financial Plan

P3.17 Washington Admin Foreign Policy 

P3.18 Adams Admin Alien Sedition Acts KY VA Resolutions Elec 1800

PowerPoints and Docs

Brinkley Chapter 5 2020.doc 

Brinkley Chapter 6 2020.doc 

New Brinkley Chapter 6 reading.doc

P3 Articles of Confederation and Constitutional Convention.ppt 

Constitution of the United States.doc

Amendments to the Constitution booklet

P3.5 United States Constitution McElhaney ppt.

Slavery Outline From Time of Constitution.doc

President Charts wksheet(blank)

Washington Presidency Chart

Adams Presidency Chart 

The Farwell and the Dinner

"The Generation" notes and McElhaney outline #1

"The Generation" notes and Outline Newest October 2024 

Discussion instructions for "The Generation"2024

Discussion Example 1 

Discussion Example 2

Discussion Example 3

Folder of video Examples


Test Prep

Pageant Word Lists with Definitions 

2020.2021 AP Classroom Review Items for Revolution Test.doc

Revolution Articles of Confederation Test Study Guide.doc

Study Guide Enlightenment Declaration of Independence Constitution LERPS.doc

Example Test Constitution and New Republic 1787.1789

SAQs Adams/Washington/Federalists/Dem Republicans/Constitution/Philadelphia Convention/Articles of Confederation and review

Essay Prep 

DBQ Explanation McElhaney Video DBQ: What does AP Want to See? Topic:  World War I and World War II Comparisons 

P3.1 Intro Essay Rubric

APUSH Essay Writing PowerPoint 

Colonial Revolution Essay Questions  

APUSH Long Essay Instructions Rubric Video links 

Rubric For Essay Writing.pdf 

2020.2021 Colonial Test With Instructions

Period 4.1: 1800-1848 Jefferson Admin, Madison Admin War of 1812, Sectionalism, 

APUSH Homework (To be determined)
Watch/note/summarize with 8 details these last Jackson videos:
Monday we will practice SAQs and test on Tuesday, Jackson, Sectionalism, SAQs.


P4.1 Jefferson Admin Revolution 1800, Dem Republican Agenda, Burr Conspiracy 

P4.2 Midnight Judges Marbury v Madison Marshall Court Cases 

4.3 Madison War of 1812 Tecumseh War Hawks Jackson Battle of New Orleans

P4.4 Era of Good Feelings Panic of 1819 American System  

P4.5 End pf Era of Good Feelings Missouri Compromise Election 1824 2nd Party System 

P4.6 Sectionalism Intro Short 

P4.6.2 Sectionalism Statistics America 1800-1850 

P4.6.3 Sectionalism Statistics America 1800.1850 Last 

P4.7 Sectionalism The North Industry Transportation Immigration

P4.8 Sectionalism The South Planter Class  

PowerPoints and Docs

P4.1 P4.2 and P4.3 America at 1800 War of 1812 PowerPoint new 2020.ppt 

Jefferson Presidency Chart 

P4.4 and 4.5 Monroe to Jackson.ppt 

Brinkley Chapter 8 American Nationalism 2020 

James Monroe Presidency Chart 

P4.6 P4.7 and P4.8 Macs Sectionalism.ppt 

Statistics 1800.1850.pdf

US Expansion.pdf


Winter Break What Hath God Wrought Instruction Video 

What Hath God Wrought winter break reading instructions 

What Hath God Wrought.pdf  

Ch9 Andrew Jackson and His Age from What Hath God Wrought  

Test Prep Essay

ESSAY/DBQ Development of the US 1800-1850 

Watch the Essay Explanation Video 

Use Early America Stats 1800-1850 Powerpoint

Statistics 1800.1850.pdf

Expansion Map.pdf

Watch Videos Sectionalism P4.6,  4.6.2, 4.6.3

Use Essay Rubric

Bio Psychology

Video Instructions Beautiful Brains and Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat

P2.1 Bio Psychology Brain mapping CT MRI PET Scany

P2.2 BioPsych Neuron and Synapse Function Anatomy


Video The Action Potential in Class 

P2.3 BioPsych Drugs and Neurotransmitters and Autonomic Nervous System 

P2.4 BioPsych Brain Anatomy Hind Brain and Limbic System 

P2.5 BioPsych Hemispheres Function Aphasia Homunculus

P2.6 BioPsych Left Right Hemisphere Lobes functions 

P2.7 BioPsych Endocrine System Plasticity Nature Nurture 

PowerPoints and Docs 

Bio Psychology PowerPoint 

Meyers Unit 3 Biopsychology reading.doc 

Outline of Topics for Biopsychology

Neurotransmitter Notes

More Neurotransmitter Notes 

Psychoactive Medication Activity Doc 

Bernstein Psychology Book Brain and Behavior notes

Brain Stuff Notes pmac

Beautiful Brains: Teenage Brains article 

Beautiful Brains Reading Questions 

Beautiful Brains: Teenage Brain PowerPoint 

Beautiful Brains Brief Notes

Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (mac notes)

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Docs and Links  

Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat Quiz

Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat PDF

Lost Mariner

The Disembodied Lady



Article on New Research: Upgrading Our Brains 

Test Review Items for Brain and Behavior 

One Pagers the Brain 

Parts of the Brain one pagers


One Brain or Two pdf

More Experience = Bigger Brain pdf

Discussion One Brain or Two 

40 Studies That Changed Psychology: Brain and behavior 

Quiz Neuron 

Mac Quiz on the Neuron 

Quiz Brain Parts 

Test Items Ch2 the Brain and Behavior

Practice Test Brain and behavior

Stress Videos

P1.1 Stress Characteristics Big Ideas Burnout PTSD

P1.2 Stress Hormones GAS Diathesis Stress Lazarus 

P1.3 Stress TED Talk personality AB Dispositional Optimism 

P2.4 Stress Coping Adaptive and Maladaptive 

P2.5 Stress Physiological Reactions Immune System Psychosomatic 

P2.6 Stress Defense Mechanisms Frustration Aggression and Conflicts


Unit 4 Sensation and Perception

Videos Sensation 

P1 Sensation Data Reduction Transduction Threshold Subliminal 

P2 Sensation Sensory Adaptation JND Weber’s the Eye Visible Spectrum

P3 Sensation Visual Problems Color Vision Theories Color Blindness Audition 

P4 Sensation Audition Theories Vestibular System Kinesthesia Olfaction 

P5 Sensation Gustation Somesthetic Nociceptors Gate Control Theory 

Test Review Video

PowerPoints and Docs 

Meyers Unit 4 Sensation and Perception reading 

Sensation and Reality PowerPoint

Test Study Guide Sensation and Review 


Visual Cliff pdf

Group Discussion Visual Cliff 

Pygmies pdf 

Discussion Bigger Brain and Pygmies instructions.doc



P1 Perception Definitions Perceptual Set, Hypothesis, Feature Detectors…

P2 Perception Depth Percep Muscular Cues Pygmies Pictorial Cues Moon Illusion

P3 Perception Habits Factors effect attention Inattentional Blindness Bottom Up Top Down

PowerPoints and Docs 

Perception 2020 PowerPoint 

Meyers Unit 4 Sensation and Perception reading

Test Prep

Chapter 5 Sensation and Reality Stuff.doc

Sensation and Perception Notes

Perception Stuff.doc

2020-2021 Sensation and Perception and Review Study Guide.doc


Unit 5 Developmental Psychology 

Early Child Development (Development Part 1)


P6.1 Development Defined Conception Prenatal Sensitive period 

P6.2 Development Lamaze Deprivation and Enrichment Imprinting 

P6.3 Development Attachments Harlow Parenting Styles 

P6.4 Piaget Vygotsky Stage Theory 

PowerPoints and Docs 

6.1 Development Early Child Development PowerPoint1

6.2 Development Life Span Approach PowerPoint 

Myers Unit IX Development Psychology Modules 45-54 

Human Development Studies.pdf  

Study Harlow Discovering Love

Study Piaget Out of Sight But Not Out of Mind 

Discussion Discovering Love and Out of Sight but Not Out of Mind 

Adolescent Reading Age of Opportunity.pdf

Life Span Approach (Part 2 Development)


P6.5 Development Freud Stages Erikson Stages pf Adolescents

P6.6 Development Marcia Identity Crisis Statuses Gender Identity Maturation

P6.7 Development Elkind Kohlberg Moral Devel Gilligan 

6.8 Development Gould Levinson Midlife Crisis Death and Dying  

PowerPoints and Docs 

6.2 Development Life Span Approach PowerPoint 

Myers Unit IX Development Psychology Modules 45-54 

Human Development Studies.pdf  

Adolescent Reading Age of Opportunity.pdf

Study Kohlberg How Moral Are you

Marcia Adolescent Reading

Gould Levinson Midlife Crisis Reading 

Developmental Psych Big Review Stuff

Test Prep

2020-2021 Development and Review study Guide

1st Semester Study Guides for Tests.doc  


Psych Review: 

AP Psych Student Defined Study Guide 

Period 4.2: 1800-1848 Jacksonian Era, The Second Great Awakening and American Culture


P4.9 Jackson Introduction

P4.10 Jackson Admin Part 1

P4.10 Jackson Admin Part 2

P4.11 End of Jackson Election 1840 Hard Cider Log Cabin Campaign

P4.12 Alexis De Tocqueville Source for the Age of the Common Man  

PowerPoints and Docs (Jackson)

P4.8 P4.9 P4.10 Andrew Jackson PowerPoint

Brinkley Chapter 9 Jacksonian America 2020.doc

P4.11 Alexis De Tocqueville PowerPoint

Jackson President Chart

Period 4.3: 1800-1848 The Second Great Awakening and American Culture


P4.13 Second Great Awakening and Utopian Societies

P4.14 Reform Movements Temperance Asylum Education and Feminists 

P4.15 Creating American Culture and Cultural Nationalism Ameri Lit 

PowerPoints and Docs (Reform Movements)

P4.12 and P4.13 Antebellum Reform Movements PowerPoint 

Brinkley Chapter 10, 11, 12 Sectionalism reading guide 

Creating American Culture Discussion.doc 

Test Prep

2020 2nd Great Awakening and Review Study Guide, Reform Movements, Jackson, 2nd Party System, Era of Good Feelings Marshal Court and

Pageant Vocabulary List for APUSH (by era

2020-2021 AP Classroom Review Items for Rev Test 

LERPS Study Guide Enlightenment and Declaration of Independence and Constitution

Practice Test Constitution and the New Republic  


Period 5.1: 1844-1877 Expansion of Country/Manifest Destiny/Mexican-American War


P5.1 Expansion Manifest Destiny Texas Independence 

P5.2 James K. Polk Mexican War Treaty and Wilmot Proviso 

P5.3 Emmerson Prophecy Wilmot Gold Rush Test on Expansion 

Enrichment Video:

Gadsden Purchase (funny) 

Lecture on Mexican War from YALE it is good around 10 min in


 PowerPoints and Docs 

P5 part 1.2.3 Expansion Manifest Destiny Texas Independence 

Brinkley Chapter 10, 11, 12 Sectionalism 2020 

Brinkley Chapter 13 Decade of 1850’s.doc

Brinkley Chapter 13 Decade of 1850s Brief questions 

Brinkley Chapter 14 The Civil War 2020.doc  

Expansion DBQ with documents 

Richard Henry Dana Two Years Before The Mast pdf


Chapter 2 Mexico Will Poison Us from What Hath God Wrought notes 

What Hath God Wrought Mormons 

What Hath God Wrought (Notes entire book)

What Hath God Wrought Ch 19 The War Against Mexico.PDF 

Abraham Lincoln Characteristics Worksheet.doc 

Team of Rivals Doris Kearns Goodwin Lincoln’s Characteristics and Personality.doc

Team of Rivals notes 

Period 5.2: 1844-1877 Slavery Expansion/Causes of the Civil War/Compromise 1850/Failure of Compromise/Election 1860/


P5.4 DBQ Early Abolition Garrison, Douglass Causes of Civil War

P5.5 Female Abolitionists Compromise of 1850 Uncle Toms Cabin 

P5.6 Kansas Nebraska Act Sumner Brooks. Bleeding Kansas and Dredd Scott

P5.7 John Browns Raid Lincoln Douglas Debates 

P5.8 Election 1860 Secession Crisis 

Enrichment Video:

1 Grimke Story Abolitionists

2 Fredrick Douglas Meets William Lloyd Garrison and John Brown

  1. Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Toms Cabin
  2. Compromise of 1850
  3. Bleeding Kansas Only
  4. Dredd Scott Decision
  5. John Browns Raid
  6. Bleeding Kansas and John Brown’s Raid
  7. Nat Turner’s Rebellion
  8. Slave Rebellion (good, National Geographic)
YALE History Lectures by David Blight (excellent American History)

PowerPoints and Docs 

DBQ Coming of Civil War.doc 

Brinkley Chapter 13 Decade of 1850’s.doc

Brinkley Chapter 13 Decade of 1850s Brief questions 

Brinkley Chapter 14 The Civil War 2020.doc  

Discussion Abraham Lincoln from Doris Kearns Goodwin  

Copperheads Doc

P5.2 Slavery and War Between the States PowerPoint

P5. 11 New War Between the States and Reconstruction PowerPoint 

Chapter 2 Mexico Will Poison Us from What Hath God Wrought notes 

What Hath God Wrought Mormons 

What Hath God Wrought (Notes entire book)

What Hath God Wrought Ch 19 The War Against Mexico.PDF 

McPherson Battle Cry of Freedom Ch 1 and 2 PDF

McPherson Battle Cry of Freedom Ch 3 and 4 PDF 

McPherson Battle Cry of Freedom Ch 5, 6, 7 PDF 


Civil War Videos:

Civil War Lectures by Professor Blight of Yale (so good)

P5.9 Lincoln 1st Inaugural and Fort Sumter 

P5.10 Border States Preparations for war Draft Riots Amputations 

P5.11 Fighting the War Foreign Affairs 1863 Turning Point 

P5.12 Gettysburg Address Emancipation Proclamation Sherman’s March 2nd Inaugural 


Reconstruction Videos:

P5.13 Reconstruction Defined and Presidential Reconstruction Lincoln 

P5.14 Reconstruction Freedmen’s Bureau Congressional Reconstruction and Impeachment

P5.15 Grant Scandals Compromise 1877 Redeemers and Jim Crow


Gilded Age Videos and Docs


6.1 Gilded Age Intro Matrix Video

P6.2 Industrialization Pos.Neg Effects Bessemer and Rail Roads and Grangers Video

P6.3 Other Industries Ford Assembly Line Taylorism GOP Dems Capitalism Video

P6.4 part 1 Gilded Age Robber Barons Horizontal and Vertical integration Video

P6.4 Part 2 Gilded Age JP Morgan Corporations and Stock Sherman Antitrust Video

P6.5 Gilded Age Supporters and Critics of Capitalism Henry George Video

P6.6 Gilded Age Working Conditions and Economic Cycle Video

P6.7 Unions Marxism overview Video

P6.8 Unions Knights of Labor AFL IWW Video

P6.9 Unions Great Railroad Strike Homestead Strike Video

P6.10 Unions Haymarket Video

Video P6.11 Urbanization and Immigrations Chinese Exclusion Act

P6.12 Urban Poverty and How the Other Half Lives Video

P6.13 Political Machine Boss Tweed Jane Adams Video

P6.14 Politics Gilded Age Hayes Garfield Assassination Grover Cleveland Video

P6.15 Panic of 1893 Coxeys Army Video

P6.16 Populists Mary E. Lease Election 1896 Williams Jennings Bryan Video

PowerPoints and Docs

2020 Brinkley Chapter 17 Industrial Supremacy.doc 

2020 Brinkley Chapter 18 The Age of the City.doc

Reading native Americans American Colossus  Lakota’s Last Stand  and Dialectical Journal

Book How The Other Half Lives

P6 Gilded Age PowerPoint

P6.2 Unions 1850.1905.2019.ppt

New Union Lecture.doc

The Unions info gilded age.doc

Study Guide Gilded Age Part 1

Study Guide for Glided Age Part 2


PBS Gilded Age Videos:

GA 1 Intro Gilded Age (3min)

GA 2 Immigration and  Opportunity (5min)

GA 3 Railroads and Farmers and Populists (11min)

GA 4 Carnegie and Homestead together (18min)

PBS Video Carnegie and Homestead Strike (11min)

GA 5 Henry George (7min)

Chinese and the Railroad (7min)

Steel and Homestead Strike (11min)

GA 6 Panic of 1893 and Coxey’s Army (11min)

GA 7 JP Morgan and Gold Standard (17miin)

GA 8 Election of 1896 (12min)

NY PBS Videos

NY Jacob Riis and Poverty and Immigration (14min)

NY Poverty JP Morgan, Henry George (10min)

NY Immigrants Poor and Tammany Hall (18min)

NY Irish Arrival 1836 (29min)

NY LIncoln Arrives 1860 NY Cooper Union Speech and Draft Riots 1863 (37min)

NY Walt Whitman impression of NY (11min)

NY The City Begins 1820s


Chicago PBS Videos

Chicago Jane Addams and Hull House (11min)

Chicago Poverty and Corruption in the City (13min)

Chicago Fire 1871 (7min)

Chicago Edward Bellamy (after haymarket) (3min)

Chicago Socialists and Haymarket (24min)

Chicago Great Railroad Strike (6min)

Chicago Immigrant Neighborhoods Yards Bar Story (4min)

Chicago Meat Packing (10min)

Chicago 1840s Anti-Irish NINA (2min)

Chicago Early Immigrants Germans and Pork Packing (11min)

Chicago Pollution and disease Bubbly Creek (2min)

Chicago McCormick Reaper Factory (5min)

Chicago Erie Canal (3min)

Native American Review:

The Progressives:

P1 Progressives Era Overview of Progressives Video

P2 Progressives Era Issues Central Ideas essay prep Video

P3 Progressives Era Constitutional Amendments Muckrakers Video

P4 Progressive Era Political Reforms Women’s Issues Video

P5 Progressive Era TR Administration Video

P6 Progressive Era TR and Taft Video

P7 TR Taft Election 1912 Video

P8 Progressive Era Woodrow Wilson Domestic Policies Video

P9 Progressive Era Woodrow Wilson Domestic Policies 2Video

APUSH Writing Practice

Progressive/Foreign Policy AP Test Essay Practice Document

5 paragraph Rubric

Mac Progressives DBQ 2015

Outline for Progressives New Deal Great Society Essay


Progressive Documents and Reading

Progressives PowerPoint

Foreign Policy PowerPoint

President Charts

President Charts.docx

TR President Chart (Domestic and Foreign Policy)

Taft President Chart (Domestic and Foreign Policy)

The voice of Theodore Roosevelt and Presidency Chart

Woodrow Wilson Presidency Chart

Progressives Chart worksheet

Legacy of TR

TR Domestic Issues reading

Howard Zinn Ch 13 The Socialist Challenge

Upton Sinclair The Jungle (Selections)

Ida B. Wells The Red Record

Poem Booker T and WEB

The Triangle Fire (Newspaper accounts)

Progressives and Theodore Roosevelt Enrichment Videos

TR Personality 7 min

Roosevelts P1 Compare FDR and TR 5 min 

Roosevelts P2 TR Early Career till Navy Sec 10 min

Roosevelts P3 TR goes West 10 min 

Roosevelts P4 Spanish American War 17 min

Roosevelts P5 TR Political Gov VP then Pres 12 min  

Roosevelts P6 TR early Pres and Booker T. Washington 6 min 

Roosevelts P7 TR v Trusts Coal Strike 11 min 

Roosevelts P8 TR and the Big Stick Policy Panama Canal 9 min 

Roosevelts  P9 TR Square Deal no 3rd Term Russo Japanese War and Nobel Peace Prize 

Roosevelts P10 TR Trusts National Parks Taft Begins 9 min

Roosevelts P11 TR Taft Split Election 1912 Woodrow Wilson 20 min





The Doctors Video Example 

Consciousness PowerPoint 2021

Myers Consciousness Modules 22-25

Notes Unit 5 States of Consciousness

Consciousness 2021 PowerPoint 


P1 Consciousness Introduction to Conscious ASC and Culture

P2 Consciousness Brain Waves Sleep Purpose of sleep

P3 Consciousness Sleep Disturbances Sleep Walking

P4 Consciousness Dream Interpretation Freud Calvin Hall and Hobson and Mcurly

P5 Consciousness Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

P6 Consciousness Intro to Psychoactive Drugs Substance Abuse Disorder Tolerance Dependence

P7 Consciousness Types of Psychoactive Drugs Treatment for Addiction AA and 12 Step Program


Conditioning and Learning Videos

Video p5.1 Learning Intro Definitions Opponent Process Sensitization

P5.2 Learning Classical Principles of Conditioning 

P5.3 Learning Operant Conditioning Superstitious Behavior Negative Reinforcement 

P5.4 Learning Operant Reinforcers Reinforcement Schedules Cognitive Learning 

Video Cognitive Behaviorism

Video Cognitive Learning explanation

PowerPoints and Docs 

Meyers Unit 5 Learning Reading Modules

Studies Pavlov, Watson, Classical Conditioning, Skinner, Bandura 

Pavlov.Classical Conditioning Quiz

Study Skinner “Knock Wood”

Quiz Knock Wood 

Study Bandura See Aggression Do Aggression 

Meyers Learning Notes 2016 (in Progress) 

Bernstein Ch6 Learning.doc

Conditioning Stuff.doc 

Generic Learning, Conditioning Notes


Clinical/Abnormal Psychology


P1 Abnormal Definitions/Introduction 26 min 

P2 Biopsychosocial Approach 

P3 DSM 5 Anxiety Disorders

P4 Mood Disorders/Depression/Bipolar/Suicide

P5 Schizophrenia/Somatic/Dissociative Disorders


Abnormal Psychology PowerPoints and Documents

Abnormal Modules Modules 65-69 

Abnormal PowerPoint 2020 

AP Outline What do you need to know about Clinical Psych

Study “Who’s Crazy in Here Anyway?” Rosenhan  (doc)

Discussion “Who’s Crazy Here Anyway?”

DSM-5 Organization 


Abnormal Psych One Pager Research Project

2020 Clinical Psych Podcast Research Project 

Abnormal Psych Research Project Podcast 

Bernstein Abnormal Notes 

Abnormal Psych Worksheet 

Detailed List of Disorders 

Conversion Disorder summary 

Treatment/Clinical Psychology videos

Treatment P1 Treatment intro and psychodynamic 30min

Treatment P2 Treatment Humanistic and Behavioral Treatment 34 min

Treatment P3 Treatment Cognitive and Rational Emotive and Biological Treatment 32 min


Treatment Enrichment Videos

The Lobotomist video 


Treatment/Clinical Psychology PowerPoints and Documents

Treatment PowePoint 2021 

Myers Treatment Modules 70-73 

Treatment 2021 PowerPoint 

Myers Treatment Notes

Bernstein Treatment Notes

DSM V Personality Disorders Activity


Psychology Review Documents:

AP PSych Student Defined Study Guide 

Social Psychology 


P1 Definitions and Attributions

P2 Affiliation Group

P3 Cognitive Dissonance Asch Kitty Genovese

P4 Group Think Milgram Zimbardo Social Roles 

P5 Proxemics EvolutionEvolution and Attraction Mate Selection love

P6 Social Power Social Cognition Prejudice Schema


Social Psychology PowerPoints and Documents

Social Psych PowerPoint

Study “The Power of Conformity”Asch PDF 

STudy “To Help or Not to Help”Darley and LatnaePDF

Discussion “Power of Conformity”And 

Discussion “To Help or Not to Help”

Ordinary Men PDF By Browning

Article 36 Questions that Lead to Love

Article Harvard Science of Lust


Social Psychology Enrichment Videos 

TED Talk Zimbardo(Link)

How does Zimbardo explain the psychology of abuse at Abhu Grahb?

Choose One or more: 

Write a good commentary…

Science of Sex Appeal Doc 

P1 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution Physical Attraction Symmetry 

P2 Science of Sex AppealEvolution and Mate Selection

P3 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution…Status…Pheromones 

P3 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution Mate Selection Presentation/Status/Pheromones

P4 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution Flirting Reproduction/Testosterone

P5 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution Mating Behavior Ovulation Vasopressin/Oxytocin

Science of Sex Appeal full video 

Video Mood Contagion

Video Mirror Neurons

Emotion and the Brain 

Persuasion Video  

Mood Contagion 

Social Psych Modules Reading handout 

Mirror Neurons 

More Mirror Neurons 

Another  Emotion 

Foot in the Door

Door in the Face 

Milgram Study

Zimbardo Study 1

Zimbardo Study2

Unit VII Personality

McElhaney Personality Videos


Personality Documents and PowerPoint 

Personality by David Nettle 

  1. Choose one area of your personality you want to know more about
  2. Read the Chapter on that topic and Outline the 
  3. Chapter 3 “Wanderers” Chapter 4 Worriers 
  4. Chapter 5 “Controllers” Chapter 6 “Empathizers”  Chapter 7 “Poets”
  5. Write a thoughtful commentary about your personality. Discuss how you identify (agree)  or not with the explanation in the chapter.

Personality Power Point pmac

Myers Outline of all of the modules (notes)

Personality Notes 16pf details (from old textbook)

Picture Story Tell The Story Doc

Newcastle Questionnaire

Watch the instructions video here

Work-Sheet Personality Social Cognitive Approach

Bernstein Reading Personality Social Cognitive Approach

Bernstein Notes for Social Cognitive Doc

Notes Humanistic Psych and Personality doc

Defense Mechanisms 

Study Guide Personality Sensation. Bio Research Methods

Bernstein Personality notes

Rorschach Inkblot Test and MMPI article 

Rotter Study “Are you the Master of your Fate?” Locus of Control

Unit VIII Motivation Emotion 

Unit VII Motivation Emotion 


P1 Motivation Emotion Intro and Theories (Long)

P2 Motivation Emotion Maslow and More (Long)

P3 Motivation Emotion Social Motives and Need for Achievement

P4 Motivation Emotion Sexual Motivation

P5 Motivation Emotion Theories of Emotion Physio Cognition

P6 Motivation Emotion Ekman 

Motivation Emotion Documents and PowerPoint 

Motivation Emotion PowerPoint 2020 

Meyers Unit VII Motivation Emotion 2018 reading doc

Unit VII Motivation Emotion notes

Eating Motivation Worksheet 

Motivation Emotion Worksheet. study guide

Motivation Emotion Quiz. test doc

Bernstein Ch.11 Motivation Emotion notes 

Bernstein Motivation Emotion entire Chapter pdf Emotion--- and Theories of Emotion Start on page 444

Motivation Emotion Stuff (mac old notes) 

Emotion Theory Chart new 

Study Guide Motivation Emotion key terms doc

Ekman I can see it all over your face 40 studies 

Masters and Johnson Sexual Motivation doc 

The Orgasmic Mind ARTICLE about Orgasm 

Detecting Deception ARTICLE 

Motivation Emotion Enrichment Videos 

Body Language and Emotion Ted talk Amy Cuddy 

Ekman on Expression and Gesture and the role of Emotion and Deception video

Dateline Video on lying 12 min video

Science of Sex Appeal Doc 

P1 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution Physical Attraction Symmetry 

P2 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution and Mate Selection

P3 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution…Status…Pheromones 

P3 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution Mate Selection Presentation/Status/Pheromones

P4 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution Flirting Reproduction/Testosterone

P5 Science of Sex Appeal Evolution Mating Behavior Ovulation Vasopressin/Oxytocin

Science of Sex Appeal full video 


Cognitive Psych and Study Skills. Great Video

Semester 2

Unit VII Cognition, Memory and Intelligence

Cognition and Memory Videos

P1 Cognition Thinking Schema

P2 Cognition Problem Solving. Concepts 

P1 Memory Basics

P2 Memory and Brain

P3 Memory Review

P4 Memory Details


Cognition PowerPoint and Documents

Myers Unit VII Cognition Mods 31-36

Myers Unit VII Cognition notes.doc 

Cognition and Language PowerPoint 

Cognition Test Review Items'

Bernstein Cognition and Language Ch. 8

Studies Cognition, Thanks for the Memories Loftus.  Maps in your Mind Tollman


Chapter 10 Graphic Organizer review.doc

Social Cognitive Approach.doc 

Memory PowerPoint  

Memory Key Topics  

Bernstein Chapter 7 Memory

Social Cognitive Approach 



Module 60-64 Introduction to Intelligence

Unit XIII Testing and Individual Differences notes 

Chapter 11 Intelligence Stuff.doc 



Intelligence and Testing 2021 ppt 


Video Introduction to Intelligence  

Video P1 Intelligence and Testing Definitions g Factor and Multiple Intelligences (Links to an external site.)Video

Video P2 Intelligence and Testing Binet Terman WAIS 

Video: P3 Intelligence and Testing Bias in IQ Tests Psychometrics 


Study Guide Intelligence 

Study Guide 2 Intelligence

Intelligence Stuff (notes)

Bernstein Cognition and Language New

Cool Hand Luke analysis 2 Reviews 

Streetcar Named Desire Review #1 Review #2




America and World War I

McElhaney Video
America and World War I Documents and PowerPoints

Brinkley Chapter 21 World War I 

American World War I study Guide 

America World War I SAQs 

America World War I PowerPoint 

America World War I Compared to World War II PowerPoint

America World War I Compared to World War II study guide

American World War I Enrichment Videos 

Great War P1 US at 1914 Context of War Neutrality Wilson view of War 9min

Great War P2 Wilson background and Race Attitudes 2 min

Great War P3 Belgian Atrocities and Journalist RHDavis and Neutrality 9min

Great War P4 Peace Movement and Lusitania Wilson Reaction 18min

Great War P5 Poison Gas and Propaganda 3min 

Great War P6 Economic Ties to Allies and German Americans 6min

Great War P7 Verdun and Airplanes Fighting 11min

Great War P8 Preparedness Uncle Sam Election 1916 Somme Rendezvous with Death 19min

Great War P9 Election 1916 and Edith Wilson 7 min

Great War P10 Verdun and Airplanes fighting 11min

Great War P11 Unrestricted Submarine War Wilsons Words 8min

Great War P12 CPI George Creel Espionage Act 10min

Great War P13 General Pershing and Troop issues in France 8min

Great War P14 Selective Service Black Troops 4 Minute Men 11min

Great War P15 Harlem HellFighters 15th Race Relations 11min

Great War P16 Industry and Women Alice Paul Suffragette 7min  

Great War P17 Food Rationing and Pressure to support the War 6min

Great War P18 Black Troops Arrive in Europe 7min

Great War P19 The Fourteen Points and Reactions 11min 

Great War P20 Fighting the War Black Troops and Belleau Wood 20min

Great War P21 Sedition Act Limiting Civil Liberties 5 min

Great War P22 Shell Shock Poison Gas and Influenza 5 min

Great War P23 Eddie Rickenbacker and Armistice 13min

Great War P24 Wilson Treaty of Versailles and Ratification Fight 13min

PBS Video Influenza Video(Short 4 min) 

PBS Video 1918 Flu in America video



March 27- 31

Spring Break

Watch the videos

Take notes

Write a Summary and include 6 details from the video.


Ch 22 Roaring 20s

Part 1 Roaring 20s overview...1918 Influenza Video

Part 2 Roaring 20s Politics Video

Part 3 Roaring 20s Red Scare Video

Clip Wall Street Bombing/Palmer RaidsVideo 

Part 4 Roaring 20s Conservative vs Modern tendency flappers prohibition Video

Part 5 Roaring 20s Lost Generation and Harlem Renaissance Video

Part 6 Election of 1928 Video

Part 7 Great Depression and Hoovers response Video 

Part 8 Great Depression Election 1932 

Part 9 Woody Guthrie and Dorothea Lange

Enrichment Videos

Video Dustbowl optional

March 20-March 24 

March 21-25

Watch the videos

Take notes

Write a Summary and include 6 details from the video.

P2-3 Due WED

P4-5 Due Thursday

Test World War II Friday.

Weekend Nixon

Ch 25 Causes World War II and

Ch 26 World War II

P1 World War I and II compared overview 

P2 World War II Pearl Harbor and American Reaction 26 min

P3 World War II Bataan Mobilization Arsenal of Democracy Japanese Internment 17 min

P4 World War II African Americans Women Strategy Atom Bomb 29 min

P5 World War II Propaganda United Nations 27 min



Roaring 20s

McElhaney Videos 

Part 1 Roaring 20s overview...1918 Influenza Video

Part 2 Roaring 20s Politics Video

Part 3 Roaring 20s Red Scare Video

Clip Wall Street Bombing/Palmer RaidsVideo 

Part 4 Roaring 20s Conservative vs Modern tendency flappers prohibition Video

Part 5 Roaring 20s Lost Generation and Harlem Renaissance Video

Part 6 Election of 1928 Video


Great Depression

Part 1 Great Depression and Hoovers response Video 

Video Part 2 Great Depression Election 1932 

Enrichment Videos

Video Dustbowl

Roaring 20s and Great Depression docs and PowerPoints

Roaring 20s Powerpoint 

Dustbowl Powerpoint

1920-1940 Review PowerPoint

Brinkley Chapter 22 Roaring 20s and Ch 23 Great Depression 

1920s Notes

1920s Brinkley Notes

1920s Hoover Notes

Great Depression and New Deal Notes

Great Depression and New Deal Terms

Study Guide for Roaring 20s

1920s Modern vs. Traditional society Group Discussion 

New Deal
McElhaney Videos

P1 New Deal FDR personality

P2 New Deal Keyensian Economics

P3 First 100 days Alphabet soup agencies

P4 New Deal SS Cabinet Labor

P5 New Deal African Americans Supreme court

New Deal Enrichment Videos

FDR P1 Election 1920 Personality of FDR and Eleanor 4min

FDR P2 Eleanor Roosevelt Personality 2 min

FDR P3 Contracting Polio Effects and Warm Springs 21 min

FDR P4 Getting Back Into Politics Election Governor 4 min

FDR P5 Stock Market Crash Election 1932 Assassination Attempt 12 min

FDR P6 Inauguration FDR Personality ER Personality 11 min

FDR P7 Fireside Chats New Deal First 100 days 13 min

FDR P8 Eleanor as First Lady Letters to the Roosevelts Harry Hopkins 8 min

FDR P9 The Secret of FDRs disability 3 min

FDR P10 African Americans and New Deal Lynching Law Eleanor and Black Cabinet 7 min

FDR P11 WPA Critics on the Right 4 min

FDR P12 Dr. Townsend Coughlin Huey Long Supreme Court Social Security 7 min

FDR P13 Election 1936 Popularity 5 min

FDR P14 FDR values and Supreme Court Packing 7 min

FDR P15 HItler Japan Isolationists Kristallnacht 14 min

FDR P16 World War II Begins Isolation and Preparedness 13 min

FDR P17 3rd Term Convention Eleanor Speech great values 7 miin

FDR p18 Election 1940 Draft Isolationists America First 11 min

FDR P19 Lend Lease and Eleanor and African American Rights 9 min

FDR 20 Atlantic Charter 3 min

FDR 20b Atlantic Charter and Pearl Harbor 5 min

FDR P21 Aftermath of Pearl Harbor Churchill Visit 18 min 

FDR P22 Industrialization and the War Europe First 14 min

Clip Election 1932 FDR Assassination Attempt

Clip FDR Personality and charisma Heroic Presidency

Clip FDR Personality and charisma Heroic Presidency (Links to an external site.)

Clip New Deal Bank Holiday. Fireside Chats. CCC

Clip Letters to Pres Harry Hopkins. African Americans Eleanore

Clip TVA WPA Critics of New Deal message of service

Watch this clip Clip FDR Personality and charisma Heroic Presidency (Links to an external site.)

Huey Long Video 1 

Huey Long Video 2 Share the Wealth Every Man A King

Huey Long Video 3 summary of his life 


New Deal PowerPoint 

New Deal Study Guide 

FDR Inauguration 1933

New Deal Key Terms

New Deal Notes 

Brinkley Chapter 24 New Deal reading guide 


America World War II

McElhaney Video Causes of World War II

Foreign Policy 1920s and 1930s 

Video Part 1 Foreign Policy 1920s.1930s

Video Part 2 Foreign Policy 1920s.1930s

Video Part 3 Foreign Policy 1920s.1930s

Enrichment Video Japanese Aggression in China 1931-1945

Nanking Part 1 24 min Waning of Sensitive Content may be disturbing to some viewers

Nanking Part 2 27 min Waning of Sensitive Content may be disturbing to some viewers

Nanking Part 3 24 min Waning of Sensitive Content may be disturbing to some viewers


Foreign Policy PowerPoint 

Brinkley Chapter Global Crisis and Ch 26 World War II 

2021 Study Guide New Deal and Foreign Policy 1920s and Review 

Great Depression New Deal, Foreign Policy 1920s-1920s SAQs 

McElhaney World War II video lectures

P1 World War I and II compared overview 

P2 World War II Pearl Harbor and American Reaction 26 min

P3 World War II Bataan Mobilization Arsenal of Democracy Japanese Internment 17 min

P4 World War II African Americans Women Strategy Atom Bomb 29 min

P5 World War II Propaganda United Nations 27 min

P6 Compare WWI WWII DBQ Prep 16 min

Video DBQ Explanation

2018 DBQ Rubric

Enrichment Videos World War II:

World War II Propaganda cartoons some racism Buggs Bunny and Daffy Duck short 7 min

World War II Propaganda cartoons some racism Popeye 3 Little Pigs 7 Dwarfs 30 min


FDR P15 HItler Japan Isolationists Kristallnacht 14 min

FDR P16 World War II Begins Isolation and Preparedness 13 min

FDR P17 3rd Term Convention Eleanor Speech great values 7 miin

FDR p18 Election 1940 Draft Isolationists America First 11 min

FDR P19 Eleanor and African American Rights 9 min

FDR 20 Atlantic Charter 3 min

FDR 20b Atlantic Charter and Pearl Harbor 5 min

FDR P21 Aftermath of Pearl Harbor Churchill Visit 18 min 

FDR P22 Industrialization and the War Europe First 14 min

FDR P23 FDR Illness Tehran Meetings 4 min

FDR P24 GI Bill of Rights and Lucy Ruthreford 4 min

FDR P25 FDR Bad Health and Election 1944 12 min

FDR P26 FDR Yalta and Death Lucy Ruthreford 12 min

FDR P27 American Reaction to FDR death 6 min

FDR P28 FDR Legacy and impact on American Society  5min

Clip Neville Chamberlain Seeking Peace 

Clip Himmler Speech to the SS about killing Jews 

Clip Newsreel Japanese Invasion of China

P2 World War II Pearl Harbor and American Reaction

P3 World War II Bataan Mobilization Arsenal of Democracy Japanese Internment

P4 America World War II African Americans Women

P5 America World War II Propaganda United Nations

P6 America World War II Compare World War I and World War II DBQ Prep

Video DBQ Explanation

2018 DBQ Rubric 

The Pacific War Videos

The Fog of War bombing of Japan 8min

P1 Kamikaze and Eugene Sledge Peleliu the War by Ken Burns 18mins

P2 Iwo Jima The War by Ken Burns 9 min

P3 Fire Bombing Tokyo and More bombing Ken Burns the War 5 min

P4 Okinawa Invasion of Japan Issues Ken Burns the War episode 7 19 min

P5 The Atom Bomb The War by Ken Burns Episode 7 5min

PowerPoints and Docs World War II

Island Hopping PowerPoint McElhaney

WWII Pacific Map pdf

With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa Eugene Sledge book excerpt doc

Tokyo firebombing Survivors Recall most destructive Air Raid in history article 

American Pacific Strategy Map WWII 

World War II PowerPoints and Docs

World War ll PowerPoint

WWl and WWll Compared Powerpoint

Brinkley Chapter 25 Notes

Reading CH 25 CH 26 World War ll Notes

Bataan Death March (Short Reading) 

WWI Compared to WWll DBQ

Notes about FDR and World War ll

Study Guide World War II New Deal Foriegn Policy 1920s and Review

Japanese Internment 

APUSH Study Guide World War II New Deal Foreign Policy 

How the US Became Involved in World War II (worksheet)


Cold War Truman/Eisenhower Foreign Policy, Korea

Political Commercials from Presidential Campaigns (starting with Eisenhower)

The Living Room Candidate videos

McElhaney Video Truman

P1 Truman Cold War FP Overview

P2 Truman Cold War FP Yalta, Containment Truman Doctrine

P3 Truman Cold War NATO

P4 Truman Cold War NSC 68 Korean War

McElhaney Video Eisenhower

P1 Eisenhower Cold War, FP Space Race, Domino Theory

P2 Eisenhower Cold War FP, Guatemala, Iran, Vietnam 


Truman Enrichment Videos Cold War and Early Civil Rights

Truman P1 Common Man Becomes Pres. FDR Dead 4 min

Truman P2 World War I Service and Versailles 12 min

Truman P3 Early Political Career then Senator for Pendergast Machine 10 min

Truman P4 Truman as a Senator and Reelection 5 min

Truman P5 WWII Anti-Corruption Senator and Popularity 5 min

Truman P6 Election of 1944 VP Nomination and Bess Truman 10 min

Truman P7 Truman as VP and FDR death 5min

Truman P8 Post War Strikes 10min

Truman P9 Truman and Election 1946 GOP Victory In Congress 3 min

Truman P10 Cold War Begins Greece and Turkey Marshall Plan 15 min

Truman P11 Truman Everyday Presidency 3 min

Truman P12 Civil Rights Truman makes a Stand 6min

Truman P 13 Recognition of Israel Election 1948 Desegregation of the Military 13 min

Truman P14 Fair Deal Berlin Airlift Korean War MacArthur 30 min


More Cold War Enrichment

Cold War Propaganda Videos

Hiroshima and Nagasaki After the Atomic Bombings (US Army Documentary)


Duck and Cover Propaganda Film 1951 (9 min)


Cold War Nuclear Energy Explained 1953 (14 min)

Survival Under Atomic Attack 1950s (8 min) 

Operation Vittles Berlin Airlift Propaganda film 1948 (9 min)

C-Span Cold War Lectures (list of lectures and discussions from University Profs)

Cold War Roadshow Documentary, Khrushchev visit to the United States 


BEST Film Archives (mix of US Propaganda films from World War II and Cold War 1950s

Cold War Educational Films 

World War II Cartoons (playlist of a lot)

Hiroshima and Nagasaki After the Atomic Bombings (US Army Documentary, 30min)


Lecture: Eisenhower: Becoming the Leader of the Free World (start around 23min)

Eisenhower: The Age of Eisenhower Start at 20 min Lecture (video)

Nuclear Bombs and houses

Fallout (propaganda film 14 min)

PowerPoints and Docs

Cold War and Truman PowerPoint (Overview and Foreign Policy) 

Brinkley Chapter 27 Reading 

Harry Truman Presidency and Cold War Notes 

Cold War Overview

The Cold War Core Documents


1950s Truman/Eisenhower Domestic Policies, Civil Rights and Red Scare

P1 Truman Domestic Policies Overview

P2 Truman Domestic Policies, Red Scare, McCarthyism 

McElhaney Video Eisenhower 

P1 Eisenhower Domestic Overview Election 1952

P2 Eisenhower Domestic Red Scare in Pop Culture 

P3 Eisenhower Domestic Policies Rock n Roll and Beat Generation

Enrichment Videos Truman/Eisenhower 

Why We Fight 2005 (Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower Farewell Address) 2min

Civil Rights Truman/Eisenhower/JFK/LBJ, Great Society Videos

Video P1 Truman Civil Rights and Stepping Stones concept

P2 Eisenhower Civil Rights Brown vs. Board Little Rock, Montgomery

P3 JFK Civil Rights Birmingham Protests MLK “I Have a Dream”

P4 LBJ p1 Great Society and Civil Rights 

P5 LBJ p2 Great Society and Civil Rights Act, Selma, Voting Rights Act, MLK Assassination

Civil Rights PowerPoints and Docs

African Americans In US History 2021 PowerPoint

African American History Time line 

Brinkley Chapter 28 Reading 

Brinkley Chapter 29 Reading 

Civil Rights Worksheet 

African American History Study Guide 

African American Leaders US History

Enrichment Videos Civil Rights

Civil Rights Enrichment Videos

Introduction Civil Rights Introduction great voices primary source 4min

Civil Rights P2 Young MLK 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott 3min

Civil Rights P3 MLK Preaching Non Violence and KKK Threats excellent primary source 3min

Civil Rights P4 KKK and MLK end of Montgomery Bus Boycott 2 min 

Civil Rights P5 James Earl Jones commentary Reminds me of George Floyd commentary 1min 

1965 Selma Massacre  Eyes on the Prize- Selma 13 Min

1965 Massacre Selma Bloody Sunday  6 min

LBJ Civil Rights Act 1964 16 min

LBJ Voting Rights Act 5 min

MLK Rally and Assassination 2 min

Violence in Newark 2 min

Civil Rights P6 Speech MLK Rosa Parks and Non Violent Civil Disobedience 5 min 

Civil Rights P7 MLK 1963 Birmingham Segregation Bull Connor Arrest 5 min

Civil Rights P8 MLK 1963 Letter From Birmingham Jail 5min 

Civil Rights P9 Bull Connor 1963 Birmingham Segregation Bull Connor Arrest 5 min

Civil Rights P10 Church Bombing and I Have A Dream Speech 16min 

Civil Rights P11 1965 Selma Violence 6 miin

Civil Rights P12 1965 LBJ Protects Selma Voting Rights March

Civil Rights P13 Burt Lancaster on Liberty and Tyranny poetic 1 min

Civil Rights P14 MLK 1966 goes to Chicago and Violence erupts 7min

Civil Rights P15 MLk Last Day Memphis TN protest 8min


American Indian Movement Take Over of Alcatraz 1969 

Crash Course Affirmative Action Video 7min

Affirmative Action video 2min

JFK/LBJ Foreign Policy/Cold War/Vietnam

Video P1 JFK Intro New Frontier. Election 1960 Camelot Assassination

Video P2 JFK Diem Regime and Berlin Crisis

Video P3 JFK Cold War Cuba. Bay of Pigs Cuban Missile Crisis

Video P4 Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin Credibility Gap Tet Offensive

Video P5 LBJ Counter Culture Protests Hippies Woodstock (short)

Video P6 LBJ Surprise Speech Election 1968 RFK Assassination Peace with Honor Paris Peace Accords

PowerPoints and Docs

JFK LBJ Foreign Policy PowerPoint 

Study Guide Truman/Eisenhower/JFK/LBJ Domestic and Foreign policies, 1960s issues… Reagan

APUSH Copy of Vietnam War Song Analysis 

Cold War Review and Study Guide 

Cold War Overview


Vietnam War:
PBS Vietnam Series Clips

Vietnam Buddhist Monk Protests

KB E1. Intro and background to Ho Chi Minh 

KB E1.2 Americans WWII, Dien Bien Phu

KB E2.2 Diem and JFK story

KB E2.1 Vietnamese and American First Person accounts and stories 

KB E3.1 LBJ Bombing Gulf of Tonkin Marines in Da Nang

KB E6 Tet Offensive and LBJ and Protest 

Fall of Saigon Video 

President Charts

Nixon Videos

Watergate Cartoon Video 2

Biography of Nixon Video 1 Short

Sadat Assassination video

Hostage Crisis video 

Iran Hostage Crisis 

More Iran Hostage Crisis 

Hostages are released video

Link SNL skit

Contra Video

Iran Contra video 2

Afghanistan Video

Nicaraguan Revolution

Election 1980 video


The Age of Imperialism: New Manifest Destiny American Foreign Policy 1865-1901

Age of Imperialism New Manifest Destiny Documents and PowerPoint
Age of Imperialism Enrichment Videos 







Princeton Review APUSH 2021 (LINK)

  1. Here is a list of resources on my drive (Link): 

Go to my website (LINK) for review and look at:


Pageant Word Meaning List 

APUSH Native Review 

Mac's Native Review 

  1. REVIEW the ABSOLUTES Document (LINK)
  2. African American leaders US history.docx 
  3. Know everything about Women In US History (See Absolutes)
  4. APUSH EXAM Review Exercise.doc (Identify main ideas for each ere)
  5. Try to sort these terms and know main ideas about them... APUSH review terms to sort.docx 
  6. Think About:

Values don't match our Behavior "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal"


Continuity of one Era to another (Similarities)

Changes from one era to the other



Court Cases

Immigration (WAVES)/Opportunity/Nativism

Laissez-faire vs Government Intervention

Economic/Mercantilism/Agriculture/Industrial Development

Political Parties

Intellectual Developments/Ben Franklin/Authors

American Cultural Developments/Hudson River School/Literature/Lost Generation/The Beat Generation/Music of Pete Seeger/Woody Guthrie/Bob Dylan


Race in America/Civil Rights Movement

LGBTQ/Stonewall Riots

Foreign Policy

Labor History/Unions

Progressives/New Deal/Great Society (how are they similar?)





Brave New World Instructions 2021 


  1. Watch the videos
  2. Take notes on videos
  3. Summarize each videos (include 6 details from lecture)

The Scarlet Letter PDF Part 2 (Ch 10-13)



Period 4.3: 1800-1848 The Second Great Awakening and American Culture


P4.13 Second Great Awakening and Utopian Societies

P4.14 Reform Movements Temperance Asylum Education and Feminists 

P4.15 Creating American Culture and Cultural Nationalism Ameri Lit 

PowerPoints and Docs (Reform Movements)

P4.12 and P4.13 Antebellum Reform Movements PowerPoint 

Brinkley Chapter 10, 11, 12 Sectionalism reading guide 

Creating American Culture Discussion.doc 

Test Prep


2020 2nd Great Awakening and Review Study Guide, Reform Movements, Jackson, 2nd Party System, Era of Good Feelings Marshal Court and

Pageant Vocabulary List for APUSH (by era

2020-2021 AP Classroom Review Items for Rev Test 

LERPS Study Guide Enlightenment and Declaration of Independence and Constitution

Practice Test Constitution and the New Republic 

Period 5.1: 1844-1877 Expansion of Country/Manifest Destiny/Mexican-American WarVideos
Enrichment Video:
PowerPoints and Docs
Richard Henry Dana Two Years Before The Mast pdfReading


America World War I Part 6 Wilson's 14 Points Ratification Battle Red Scare

McElhaney talking about America World War I Part 6 Wilson's 14 Points Ratification Battle Red Scare

Motivation Emotion Part 1 Introduction and Theories

McElhaney talking about Motivation Emotion Part 1 Introduction and Theories

America World War I Part 5 African Americans and Women during War

McElhaney talking about America World War I Part 5 African Americans and Women during War

America World War I Part 4 Financing war and Civil Liberties

McElhaney talking about America World War I Part 4 Financing war and Civil Liberties

Cognition concepts.problem solving and schema part 2

McElhaney talking about Cognition concepts.problem solving and schema part 2