Psych Child Development
See the New PPt. "Myers Development, Life Span Approach"
Module 45 Developmental Issues, Prenatal Development, and the Newborn Pg. 462-471
Module 46 Infancy and Childhood: Physical Development Pg. 471-476
Module 47 Infancy and Childhood: Cognitive Development Pg. 476-488
Module 48 Infancy and Childhood: Social Development Pg. 488-500
Module 49 Gender Development: Pg. 500-508
Module 50 Parents, Peers and Early Experience: Pg. 508-513
Module 51 Adolescence: Physical and Cognitive Development Pg. 513--519
Module 52 Adolescence: Social Development and Emerging Adulthood Pg. 519-5
Module 53 Sexual Development Pg. 526-539
Module 54 Adulthood Physical, Cognitive and Social Development Pg. 539-55
Journals & Magazines
ADHD Report
Contemporary Hypnosis
Depression and Anxiety
Drug and Alcohol Review
Early Child Development and Care
Eating Disorders
Educational Assessment
Journal of Gambling Studies
Journal of Happiness Studies
Journal of Mental Health and Aging
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Language and Cognitive Processes
Loss, Grief & Care
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Metaphor and Symbol
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Personal Relationships
Personality and Individual Differences
Psychiatric Bulletin
Psychology of Men & Masculinity
Psychology Today
Stress and Health
Studies in Gender and Sexuality
Substance Abuse
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior
Trauma, Violence & Abuse
Medications and Health Supplements
Drug Interactions, Alternative, MotherNature
Drug Interactions, DIRECT
Medical Dictionary
Medications, FDA
Medication, Internet Mental Health
Medications, PDR
Medline, Comparison
SAMHSA's Psychiatry and Psychology
Mental Health Care General Links
Internet Mental Health
Let’s Talk Facts, APA
Mental Health Counselor Resources,
Mental Help Net
Mental Illnesses/Disorders
University of Michigan Health Topics A to Z
Web Sites You Can Trust, Medical Library Association