Hamilton Field Trip Info
McElhaney Field Trip to See Hamilton
Bunn yourtube video of Alexander Hamiliton "Hydrated History" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D10bc_RF7dM&app=desktop
All of the following students must complete the student survey:
PL Students Are Going to See Hamilton. The Following Students have successfully completed the requirements:
Allen, Grace |
Alvarez, Angie |
Avina, Michelle |
Barbosa, Gabi |
Barker, Hayden |
Barrera, Laura |
Barton, Lauren |
Batliner, Mckenzie |
Blair, Nathan |
Blevins, Ben |
Bogle, Justine |
Brady, Caitlin |
Bunn, Ava |
Campbell, Bryce |
Carmack, Cameron |
Cavanaugh, Meghan |
Cedillo, Camelina |
Chamberlain, Annabelle |
Cohen, Sophie |
Cooper, Kaylee |
Crim, Alexa |
Curtis, Denise |
Da Silva, Grace |
Darnell, Keana |
Del Valle, Megan |
Deorsole, Mel |
Ebbah, Arela |
Farmer, Kyle |
Fisher, Hannah |
Freitas, Sarah |
Garland, Andrew |
Gates, Matthew |
Gillcrist, Alex |
Graham, Ian |
Gruenberg, Sidonie |
Guerra, Levin |
Guerrero, Jimena |
Ha, Evelyn |
Hareb, Noah |
Hegerle, Mia |
Hernandez, Mataya |
Hill, Parker |
Holtkamp, Maddie |
Humphrey, Malia |
Jackson, Rochelleigh |
Jacobson, Morgan |
Johnson, Erica |
Johnson, Neal |
Kuhn, Michael |
Kuhn, Owen |
Kuruvilla, Laura |
Labrador, Princess |
Lamb , Teagan |
Lambert, Samantha |
Lee, Shannon |
Loewer, Jack |
Magnus, Max |
Matin-Fardon, Jais |
Maynard, Tigerlily |
Olcott, Katharine |
Ortega, Daniel |
Page, Clara |
Perry, Madison |
Piotrowski, Tristan |
Power, Katherine |
Richardson, Dylan |
Roman Cruz, Pablo |
Rzepczynski, Katherine |
Sabry, Adam |
Sandoval, Stephanie |
Scavello, Eva |
Schedel, Grace |
Schedel, Sally |
Schmidt, Austin |
Shoemaker, Alex |
Simms, Sage |
Smith, Amelia |
Smith, Julia |
Sybounheuan, Clarissa |
Tafolla, Olivia |
Teague, Olivia |
Teague, Paige |
Tercero, Mauricio |
Torres, Joseph |
Vassall, Colin |
Wade, Piper |
Wagstaff, Riley |
Werth, Claire |
Wilson, Casey |
Zirkle, Gwen |
Zucchet, Roger |
Mr. McElhaney is pleased to announce a very exclusive learning program at PL.
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, a private foundation dedicated to the study of US history, is sponsoring 95 Point Loma APUSH students in Mr. McElhaney’s class to attend the production of Hamilton at the San Diego Civic Theater for the January 11th matinée.
In order to qualify for this program, students in Mr. McElhaney’s classes will need to read about Hamilton’s life, write an essay according to the program prompt, and produce a creative application of Hamilton’s life (poem, skit, song…)
PL students will meet the cast, spend the day interacting with other students around the county and watch the performance.
Unfortunately, non-school employees may not attend, and all chaperones will be school employees, (per GL requirements). There may be matinee tickets available but Mr. McElhaney un-sure, interested community member should check with the Civic Theater.
In the event that there may be available student tickets a waiting list will be generated. Interested students should see Mr. McElhaney ASAP to obtain the requirements and get on the list.
Thursday January 11, Leave at 9:30 AM
95 eleventh Graders
10 Adult Chaperones
Bus leaves at 9:30 AM sharp
Meet by the flag pole in the front of school.
Students may not drive themselves
Students must bring their own lunch, students will not be allowed to leave the Civic Theater area to purchase lunch.
The program last’s through the day and will end at 4:50pm, students may not leave the program on their own, they must return to the school by bus.
Permission slips and consent forms due this week Thursday, 11/176
Essay and Performance Pieces are due to Mac November 28
- Read the chapter Alexander Hamilton and the Making of a Fiscal-Military State by Gordon Wood 2 page reflective essay addressing the following; 1. According to the author should Hamilton be glorified by the modern Republican Party? How has your understanding of Hamilton expanded through this reading?
- Create a 2-minute performance piece based on your learning
- a tap, song, poem, monologue, or scene.
- Students can work in groups of up to 3
- Performance pieces must reflect information from documents or the Wood Reading.
- Students must present a written version of their piece (to be sent to the GL Foundation)
- One performance piece will be required to be sent to GL video
- Week of December 4 live performances for interested students (location TBD)
Students will need to complete a survey on December 22.
Gilder Lehrman has a number of resources students should access for more information about Hamilton:
Log in to the program: Log in: PLHS Student Password: aPU5H-PLHS
Access the Student Guide: , watch some of the videos,
"From Book to Broadway"
Lin-Manuel Miranda:"How Hamilton Differs from the Other Founding Fathers."
look for "What Story Do you want to tell?"
Watch: "Lin-Manuel Miranda Research Advice"