Community Service » Community Service Forms

Community Service Forms

Miscellaneous Time Log
For keeping track of random acts of service!
Monthly Time Sheet
For tracking that once a week (or twice a month) service you perform.
Weekly Time Sheet
If you do community service once or twice a week - this form is the one for you!
City of SD PARK n REC Waiver Form
Use this form for any of the clean-ups that are done via Famosa Slough, SD Audubon, Beach Cleanups... etc...
Your best and most useful resource for community verification once you have completed a significant amount of hours is a letter of reference or verification or recommendation. 
Once you complete or are almost done with service with the person or organization (early in your senior year) ask your "supervisor" if he/she would write you a letter verifying your service to them.  Within this letter the total hours could be stated as well as tasks you accomplished and how awesome you were to have as a volunteer.  This letter is priceless to you... it can be used for scholarship recommendations, additions to your college application or added to your job application.
Thank you for giving of your time, energy, and talents to the community!  Have fun!