Pointer Association/Boosters » From the President

From the President

It is my pleasure to serve as President of Point Loma High School's Pointer Association.  We have more than 2,000 talented students to support and an amazing campus community experience to build upon.
We have been extremely fortunate to have many dedicated teachers, staff, administrators, parent volunteers, alumni and other community members who have built a legacy at PLHS over the years.  These amazing people work individually and collectively to provide resources and support to elevate student life in academic pursuits, creative and performing arts, music, athletics, and many other areas of learning and exploration.  We thank those who have generously donated their time and talents via the Pointer Association to enrich the experience of our students during their important high school years-years our students will remember and treasure.
Family and community involvement plays a vital role in creating a supportive learning environment for our students.  And preparing our students for a bright future takes many hands.  We are always looking for more volunteers to help us be the best we can be. We welcome new ideas and community contribution. Please help support our mission by volunteering for the Pointer Association!    We ask that you read through the information on the Pointer Association provided in student registration packets or by accessing the links to the right to consider how you can get involved.  You can contact us directly via e-mail to get connected and find a role that works with your schedule.  We encourage you to come to our monthly meetings (2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in room 204) and get to know your Pointer Association better.  We hope you will choose to join together with us on this journey.
Best regards,
Scott Deschenes
President, Pointer Association