Academic Honesty Policy
Point Loma High School Academic Honesty Policy
As part of an ethical academic atmosphere, it is expected that all students at Point Loma High School will operate in an honest and ethical manner. All student work should rely on the knowledge and preparation of that individual. The purpose of this policy is to maintain an ethical academic environment for all students. The acts of academic dishonesty listed below will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in the manner described.
Acts of dishonesty defined:
Cheating on assignments: Any intentional giving or using of outside assistance related
to the completion of an assignment that was meant to be an individual rather than
collaborative effort. This includes copying of another student’s work or any misuse of
1. Receive a zero on the assignment with no opportunity for make up.
2. Citizenship grade will be lowered to a U for that grading period.
3. Receive a referral for documentation.
4. Parents notified.
Cheating on tests/projects: Any intentional giving or using of outside assistance during
an examination, test, quiz, or project without the permission of the teacher,
including the use or misuse of technology.
1. Receive a zero on that exam, test, quiz, or project with no opportunity for make up.
2. Citizenship will be lowered to a U for that grading period.
3. Receive a referral for documentation.
4. Parents notified.
Plagiarism: Any intentional use of another’s ideas, words, or work as one’s own. This
includes the misuse of published materials, technologically generated material, and the
work of other students.
1. Receive a zero on the assignment with no opportunity for make up.
2. Citizenship grade will be lowered to a U for that grading period.
3. Receive a referral for documentation.
4. Parents notified.
Fabrication: Any intentional falsification or invention of data, citation, or other
authority in an academic exercise.
1. Receive a zero on the assignment with no opportunity for make up.
2. Citizenship will be lowered to a U for the grading period.
3. Receive a referral for documentation.
4. Parents will be notified.
Unauthorized collaboration: Any intentional collaboration with another person
at times or in ways not permitted on the assignment.
1. Receive a zero on the assignment with no opportunity for make up.
2. Citizenship will be lowered to a U for the grading period.
3. Receive a referral for documentation.
4. Parents will be notified.
Multiple Incidents: Any second violation of any combination of 1-5 above will result in a zero
on the assignment with no opportunity for make up, a U in citizenship for the semester, and a
conference with the administration where additional disciplinary action will be assigned such as
Saturday school or suspension. Further instances of cheating within the same course will result
in an F/U for the semester and further disciplinary action.
Test/Assignment Avoidance: A pattern of absences on tests days or major project due
dates for the apparent advantage of performing better on the make-up test or for
gaining extra working/studying time.
1. Parents and administration will be notified of the pattern of absence.
2. Further absences on test days will result in the forfeiture of make up opportunities.
3. Further absences on days when projects are due will result in late work not being accepted.
Theft or alteration of materials: Any theft, concealment, alteration, or distribution of
student, staff, or library material including, altering of computer hardware or software or
unauthorized electronic entry into either student or staff files.
1. Suspension.
2. A grade of F/U for the semester.
3. Violators may also face criminal charges and recommendation for expulsion.
Pressure for unsubstantiated grade change: Any request for a raised grade that is not
based on mistakes in correction, recording, averaging, or other clerical error will not be
Knowledge of academic dishonesty: Students are morally bound to notify appropriate
staff members when they have personal knowledge of a violation defined or implied in this