Student Work Permit » Working Students

Working Students

Work permits are authorized by Point Loma High School and can be obtained in the counseling office.  
PLHS requires students to meet a minimum criteria before they are given the opportunity to work.
The criteria is:
  • Academic GPA of 2.0 or higher (cumulative as well as each progress report)
  • Citizenship GPA of 2.0 or higher each progress/grading report period - NO "U"
  • Satisfactory attendance - demonstrated by few tardies and absences
  • 10th grade or higher
  • Adequate progress toward graduation - meaning correct number of credits earned for courses taken and years enrolled in high school.
PLHS staff reserves the right to revoke a work permit at any time that the student falls below these minimum standards during each progress report once the work permit has been issued.  Site staff and district staff will contact the student, parent and employer in the event that the work permit must be revoked.
WORK PERMITS expire the first week of each new school year (September) or when the student chooses to leave the particular employer who signed the work permit.  Students are required to obtain work permits even during the summer months.
Child Labor Laws are highlighted on the back of the work permit application.  Students and parents should familiarize themselves with the restrictions on hours and times for the particular age of the student.
Check out our district website for those laws and additional laws and rules governing student workers at: