Special Ed » Special Education

Special Education

P.L.H.S. Special Education Program

Point Loma High School offers a full continuum of supports and services for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) and related services are provided for every student consistent with their IEPs. SAI supports may be provided by a special education staff member within the general education environment or in a separate/specialized setting.

Students with IEPs who are seeking credits towards their high school diploma receive instruction from “highly qualified” teachers in required academic and elective areas. Students needing more support beyond the general education environment have access to a variety of other supports and services throughout their day to meet their individualized needs as determined by the IEP team. Students may be supported in general education classrooms indirectly by a general education teacher consulting a special education service provider or directly with an additional special education teacher or paraeducator.

SAI supports within General Education include:

➢ Co-teaching

Co-taught classes include a general education teacher teaming together with a special education teacher within the General Education class to support students with IEPs.

➢ Collaboration

Collaborative classes are general education classes taught by a general education teacher and supported by a para-educator within that class to support students with IEPs.

➢ Consultation

A special education teacher, para-educator or related service provider, communicates with a general education teacher as determined by the IEP; to collaborate and/or address any concerns. The education specialist, para-educator or related service provider may also meet with the individual students to address any concerns or difficulties the student may be experiencing

At Point Loma co-taught and collaborative SAI is focused in the following subjects:

English (co-taught and collaborative)
9-Advanced English 1,2
10-Advanced English 3,4
11-American Literature 1,2
12-Expository Reading & Writing 1, 2

Math (co-taught and collaborative)
Integrated Math I A/B
Integrated Math II A/B
Integrated Math III A/B

Science (collaborative)
Physics 1, 2
Biology 1, 2
Chemistry 1, 2

History (collaborative)
World History 1, 2
U.S. History 1, 2

Point Loma High also offers SAI in separate settings.

Multilevel Classes
Multilevel classes are taught by a credentialed Mild/Moderate special education teacher in a
separate classroom and provide specialized academic support for students with IEPs who are
concurrently enrolled in a general education math and/or English class. Curriculum in these
classes are paralleled with the general education curriculum for students needing supplementary
intensive re-teaching and review, altered pacing, additional reinforcement, more individualized
attention, alternative methods and modes of instruction, and/or curriculum accommodations.
Students enrolled in these classes will obtain an elective credit upon completion.
We currently offer multilevel classes that parallel the following courses, and one course that
supports executive function:


9-Advanced English 1,2
10-Advanced English 3,4
11-American Literature 1,2

Integrated Math I A/B
Integrated Math II A/B
Integrated Math III A/B



 ➢ Opportunity Success
Opportunity Success is a program taught in a separate classroom by a special education
teacher. This class is designed for diploma bound students with IEPs who are 16 years of age
and older, and who are in 11th or 12 grade. This class is designed to provide support to
students who need to recover credits in order to graduate from high school or need additional
study skills.

Students who need to recover credits do so using a standards based digital curriculum for
courses that they previously received a non-passing grade. Students may progress at their own
pace taking as much or little time they need to master the material. Most academic courses are
available for credit recovery online except science courses. If a student successfully completes a
course online, that student will receive a diploma credit for that course which will be reflected on
the student’s transcript.

Functional Skills
Functional Skills classes are taught by a credentialed Moderate/Severe special education teacher
in a separate classroom and are designed for students with IEPs needing to be taught functional
and independent living skills. Curriculum in these classes focuses on teaching and developing
skills needing to be used in daily activities within the community, recreation, vocational, and
core focus areas based on the California State Alternative Standards. Students enrolled in this
class will obtain elective credit upon completion.

We currently offer Functional Skills classes for the following subjects:










Social Studies





For students with IEPs who are in need of developing and gaining work experience, we also offer a
variety of supported and non-supported work experience opportunities. The following classes and
programs are available:

Transition Skills
The Transition Skills class is taught by a credentialed Mild/Moderate special education teacher
in a separate classroom and is designed for students with IEPs needing to be taught vocational
skills that will help them to transition from school to meaningful careers. Curriculum in this class
focuses on skill building in career planning, transportation, employment practices and etiquette,
and independent living. Students enrolled in this class will obtain elective credit upon
➢ Work Incentive
Work Incentive is an on-campus work experience program for students with IEPs 14 years of age
or older. This is typically the first work experience for many students. Students are given the
opportunity to learn basic job and social skills that will help them prepare for a community-
based job. In addition, students can earn a training stipend if proper work documentation is
completed. Typically, students are paid for a total of 80 hours. Case Manager and parent
approval is required for participation. Students enrolled in this class will obtain elective credit
upon completion.
Workability is an off-campus work experience program for students with IEPs 16 years of age
and older. Students are placed in a community-based paid or un-paid work experience for 1-2
hours/day. Students can earn minimum wage for paid positions if proper work documentation is
completed. The student’s job performance will be monitored and evaluated by district
personnel. Students enrolled in this class will obtain elective credit upon completion and can
earn a practical art credit.
Most students at PLHS earn a high school diploma in four years. However, IEP teams may determine
that a student requires an alternative high school completion option. For those students, they have the
opportunity to work towards earning a Certificate of Completion, or an Option 2 Diploma. Students
earning a Certificate of Completion articulate to Transition Resources for Adult Community
Education (TRACE); an educational support network for students aged 18 to 22 in San Diego Unified
School District (SDUSD). Students earning an Option 2 Diploma complete graduation requirements at
an alternative school in SDUSD or though an adult education program. During their time at PLHS,
students with alternative high school completion plans receive support from Special Education staff,
may have an individualized class schedule, and can take a variety of classes that target their academic
and transitional needs specified in their IEPs.