Keith DeLong » Powerpoints, notes, downloads

Powerpoints, notes, downloads

Sept. 7, 2021


Welcome to the 2021-22 school year.  My name is Keith DeLong and this year I will be teaching Principles of Biomedical Science and Athletics according to the schedule below.  A brief description of how to access the online class is included.


Period 1, 2, 3, and 4- Principles of Biomedical Science will be meeting daily.  You can find information on Project Lead the Way's course - Principles of Biomedical Science class on the Home page of your Principles of Biomedical Science course in Canvas as well as Project Lead the Way's Home page.  To log into Canvas and Project Lead the Way (and any other district applications, for that matter) go to - find our school and then Log in via Active Directory using your school user name and password.  From Clever, you click on Canvas or Project Lead the Way to get to your Canvas account or Project Lead the Way without having to log in again.


Period 6 – Athletics

Go to your Google Class (from Clever) or Google Drive (be sure that you use your District email and account – it will not let you enter personal emails or accounts), select Google classroom, then in the top right-hand corner click on the + sign, and select Join Class.


The Join Code for the class is lzxj6nmOnce you enter the code you should be entered in the class.