Mariana Hedges » Home


Hello Everyone!
I hope you are safe and healthy!  I am looking forward to working with you this year.
My name is Mariana Hedges and I have been teaching at Point Loma High School for 14 years.  I love history and the study of other cultures and hope I can share my passion and enthusiasm with my students.  Attached you will find the syllabus for the 2 courses I teach: AP World History (periods 2, 4 and 5) and Power and Identity in the World (periods 1 and 6).  If you are in AP World History, here's the link to our weekly calendar where you will find the chapters/curricula and assignments and tests that we will cover this year:
I will be using Google Classroom to assign and collect work. Students must use their gmail account to sign up.  
Here are the Google Classroom codes if you need them
Period 1-- 6roledc
Period 2-- lfbjfe2
Period 4-- 7vns7nt
Period 5-- o54c2pq
Period 6-- n724dun
The best way to contact me if you have a question or concern is through email at [email protected].  However, I only check email during school hours.  If you need to contact me after hours, don't hesitate to call or text me at 619-672-4658.