Marco Moreno » HOME


¡Hola Clases!
My name is Profe Moreno and I teach two levels of Spanish.  One is Spanish 3/4 and Spanish 5/6 (for Spanish Speakers).  Classes begin August 21st and I am excited to begin the 23/24 school year.  
My classroom is room 253 on the second floor of the 200 building.  
We will be using google classroom as an online way of turning in assignments.  It is important to stay updated and keep up with anything posted on google classroom.  Google classroom is also a great way of looking at assignments, assignments completed and assignments due.  
Thank you! 
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns at: [email protected].  
***I have attached the syllabus for both Spanish 3 and Spanish for Spanish Speakers on the right column of this page. 
***I have also attached a digital citizen rubric