English 3/4

Course Description



You or your parent can pick up a Chromebook Thursday, April 9th at San Diego High School. If your last name begins with A - L, come in the morning between 8:00 and 12:00; M - Z come between 12:00 and 5:00 PM. Students can pick up a chromebook even if you did not complete the tech survey or said you didn’t need one at the time. 


Good morning, I need everyone to sign up for remind.com and/or the Remind app on your phone if you haven't already.
Text @23d9hh to the number 81010. If anyone has trouble with 81010, they can try texting @23d9hh to (330) 667-5569. 
You can also join Remind using this link- https://www.remind.com/join/23d9hh
Subscribe to my teacher page by clicking on the "+Subscribe" button on the right hand side.
Here is what is going to happen 4/6-4/24-
Students who do not own computers will be getting them from the district and teachers will be training to teach entirely online.
I will update you with more information later.


Affluent: having a great deal of money; wealthy.

Affluenza: a psychological malaise supposedly affecting wealthy young people, symptoms of which include lack of motivation, feelings of guilt, and a sense of isolation.

The term "affluenza" can refer to rich kids who were so spoiled rotten that they've lost all empathy for other human beings.  The word has even been used in court to defend them when they commit a crime.  Their lawyers' rationale is that these rich kids are so sheltered and privileged that they have absolutely no idea how horrible their actions truly are.  They are so pampered that they can't even comprehend the consequences of their actions. If anything, they are victims of their parents' neglect.
Discussion questions-

Is affluenza a legitimate disorder/condition that should be taken seriously?
Should it be used as a defense for actions? 
Should parents be held responsible for anything? 
Do you live in Point Loma/Sunset Cliffs/Mission Hills?
Do you live in a house?
Do you think that the fact that you live in an affluent area, affects how your parents discipline you?


Guantanamo Bay: a United States military prison on the coast of Cuba.
At the time of its establishment in January 2002, the prison camp was created to detain extraordinarily dangerous people, to interrogate detainees in an optimal setting, and to prosecute detainees for war crimes.  In practice, the site has long been used for enemy combatants.
Should prisoners who are held in Guantanamo:
1. Be permitted to create art?
2. Have their art shown in a public gallery?
3. Have the option of selling their art for money?
Guantanamo bay art paragraph due 2/19-


Cybershaming: the act of (parents) purposefully embarrassing a minor on social media in order to punish the teen for something he/she did; it is used to teach a lesson.

1.Do you agree or disagree with using cybershaming as a discipline strategy? Is it an appropriate punishment? Why/why not? 

2. Play devil's advocate/from parent's perspective.
3. How have your parents punished you? Have any of the punishments been effective and why-