
I will be using google classroom as my class management system.  Each class has a unique code that is assigned to it. Please access google classroom and enter the code for your class period.  This will insure that you have access to all the work and videos that will be needed for class and be able to return the work to me through electronic means so I can assess it and give you feedback as necessary.  Please access the google classroom stream as soon as possible.  I have included the information about how to access our online classroom through zoom.
Google Classroom code for each period.  If you access the google classroom you will find the zoom information for the class on the classroom stream.
Period 1:  Physics   - blg2h3h
Period 2:  Physics   -  kp2qq7y 
Period 3:  Physics   -  PREP
Period 4:  Physics   -   adlvazf
Period 5:  Physics   -   vyu6sj5
Period 6:  Physics   -  i7h4rsb
Online Office Hours and tutoring:  
Classroom tutoring can only be done before school and during lunch.  I will not be able to stay after school.